Your First Visit to Our Twin Falls Practice
Upon entering the office, our friendly and welcoming staff will greet you and assist in filling out 10 minutes of paperwork consisting of past health history and current challenges. We also have the capability of sending a link to your Electronic Health Record. This will allow you the ability to do your Intake Form on the computer before you come in.
If insurance is going to be billed, it is helpful to bring the insurance card and have previously called an agent to verify chiropractic coverage.
After paperwork is filled out, and copies are made the staff will direct you to the examination room where a consultation will begin with the chiropractic assistant and/or doctor. Be prepared to discuss past history and accidents, dates, surgeries, and medications in addition to current health challenges.
Once the consultation is complete, usually 20-30 minutes, a thorough chiropractic orthopedic examination is performed to pinpoint and locate chronic and acute injuries.
MyoVision scans are important for soft tissue injuries and x-rays are discussed. Once the exam is complete and if clinically necessary, a chiropractic adjustment is performed.
After the first adjustment is performed, the staff will assist you in scheduling a report of findings visit typically within 3-5 days, paying any required fees and staff will answer any questions.
Total time necessary for the first day is approximately 60 minutes.
Total time for children is approximately 30 minutes.